Jason Libmann, Florida Sealcoating, Orlando FL
Owner of Florida Sealcoating, Jason states emphatically, “The amount of work we get from the number pretty much pays for the number. I highly recommend it! It’s a great tool to have in your wheel house.” Of course he reminds us that you have to brand and market it by explaining, “It bring that extra attention to your company! It works!“
Paul Fiaco and Tom of Smith’s Paving & Sealcoating, NY
Tom & Paul of Smith’s Paving discuss the benefits of membership. “We have all our dump trucks, equipment, yard signs, and even baseball fields with 1-800-ASPHALT. We’ve become very popular in our area.” States Paul. Tom added, “It is easy and recognizable.”
Shane Hall of Performance Asphalt Paving, Cincinnati, OH
Shane humbly states, “ I acquired 1-800-BLACKTOP and plastered the number on the one truck I owned.” Fast forward to 2022, Performance Asphalt Paving has purchased two companies and is now projected to do $10M+ in sales in 2022!
Justin Meier, The Surface Masters, Atlanta GA
Justin Meier, owner of The Surface Masters of Atlanta, Georgia, discusses the benefits of 800 PAVEMENT Network membership. The Surface Masters joined the network in 2013 and subscribes to the 1-800-SEALCOAT phone number. Justin explains, “We have seen the company grow tremendously since we joined the Network. I joined because people didn’t know what kind of surfaces we were doing. After we joined, I plastered the number on everything and then there was no more questions on what we did.”
Darrell Brown, City Service Paving in Placentia, CA
Darrell Brown of City Service Paving joined the Network in 2007 and is a current member of the 800 PAVEMENT Network, licensing 1-800-BLACKTOP. Hear him discuss how his 1-800-BLACKTOP number has helped him develop a brand for his company and why it has been the best marketing move for his company.
Van Harvey, H&S Asphalt LLC in Bellefontaine, OH
Van Harvey of H&S Asphalt, joined the 800 PAVEMENT Network in 2013, licensing 1-800-BLACKTOP. Van talks about how this number was a turning point for his company and how the jobs he gets through this number pay for the year “many times over.” He utilizes this easy to remember phone number on all his equipment, signage, and marketing materials.
–Shane Hall, Owner, Performance Asphalt Paving“After I plastered the 1-800-BLACKTOP number on everything I owned, things really started to change for me and my company. In 2014 we invested in our first paver and a single axle dump truck, and this past year, we grew to 13 employees, bought our entire trucking fleet and did over $3.2M in sales.”

–Darin Whelan, President, PaveCo, Inc.“Our 1-888-PAVEMENT number has helped grow our business, our brand and our network far faster than we could have imagined. It has helped us develop a brand that grabs potential customer’s attention, ultimately bringing in leads and driving up sales.”

–Darrell Brown, Senior Executive Sales Manager/CMO/Owner, City Service Paving“Back in 2007 I started licensing 1-800-BLACKTOP. This has been one of my best choices in marketing that I’ve made because it gave us a boost in business and our image. We have the numbers on our trucks, signs, advertisements, it’s everywhere. Our customers see it and remember it.”

–Luke Hay, Hay Sealcoating, LLC.“With our increase in sales from our 844 number, our team was motivated to drive from Westchester, PA out to North Branch, MI to meet with KM International. We picked up all of our new infrared equipment, got a tour of the facilities and a day of onsite infrared training.”

–Art Stanley, President, Stanley Paving“Thanks so much to the 800 PAVEMENT Network! We have been excited to utilize such a valuable marketing tool in growing our company’s brand recognition!!”