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Building Your (Personal) Brand

You are the face of your company

Building your personal brand is just as important as building your company’s brand — in fact, it might even be more important. If you get it right, your personal brand will make you stand out from the crowd, shine a spotlight on your expertise and enhance your value.

How do you get it right? Always remember these few steps.

Be visible and accessible

The more visible you are to the public and your potential customers, the stronger your personal brand becomes. This means going beyond just marketing your company — put yourself out there and market yourself to the public. Attend conferences, just to network or socialize. Go out of your way to network and interact with followers online and on social media. This is the best place to show your personality, in a way that also advocates for your brand and mission.

Understand your industry inside and out

Stay up to date on trends, breaking news, competition, etc. Position yourself as a thought leader in your industry, bringing your personal brand to a higher level. You will become a trusted authority in your industry and you’ll become the person that others go to for expert advice or information. When potential clients associate your personal brand with a feeling of trust and long-term success, they’ll associate that same trust with your company.

Practice two-way networking, don’t just broadcast

People don’t connect with companies; they connect with the people behind the companies. When interacting and connecting with your customers or audience, make sure it’s clear what’s in it for them and the benefit they will receive from the relationship. People want to know your values before they commit to becoming customers or partners. A personal brand puts those values out there for the world to see.